







JMC NT 900

JMC NT 900 4ec2b2f72f3b4

JMC NT 900

Receiving and printing on a fitted printer navigational and meteorological information which is transmitted by coastal stations of international automatic service.

Technical specifications:

Parameters, function Values
Working range of coastal station from 250 till 400 mile
The frequency of receiving 518 kHz
The class of receiving signal Frequency telegraphy F1B
Receiver sensitivity:
- on artificial antenna 50 Om
- on artificial antenna 10 Оm 150 pF
Not worse than 2 mkV
Not worse than 5 mkV
Receiver selectivity:
- at a level 6 dB
- at a level 60 dB
300 Hz
2 kHz
Stray radiation Not more than 2 nVt
Protection of receiver input 30 V (root-mean-square denotation)
A type of receiving antenna Active with coaxial cable having length 15 m
Amount of message determinants in a memory More than 30
Printing type Thermoprinting
Line length 42 digits
Token structure stencil 7х5 (height 2,4 mm, width 1,4 mm)
Printing speed 0,7 lines per second
Printing capacity (for 1 roll) more than 250000 digits
Paper (roll) ТР50KS 25 meters, (112х47 mm)
Power supply:
Voltage From 9 till 40 VDC
Consumption current Not more than 1,5 А
An average consumed capacity Not more than 9 Vt
Conditions of operation:
Temperature From -15 till +55°С
Humidity Up to 93% (during 40°C)