







JMC NT 1800

JMC NT 1800 4ec2b77a17f7d

JMC NT 1800

NAVTEX is a system for the broadcast and automatic reception of maritime safety information by means of a narrow-band direct-printing telegraphy. NAVTEX provides shipping with navigational and meteorological warnings and urgent information through automatic printouts from a dedicated receiver.

NAVTEX is a component of the IMO/IHO Worldwide Navigational Warning Service (WWNWS) defined by IMO Assembly resolution A.706(17). It has also been included as an element of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). Since 1 August 1993, NAVTEX receiving capability has become part of the mandatory equipment which is required to be carried in certain vessels under the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). New IMO resolution MSC.148 (77) requires NAVTEX receiver implemented on and after 1 July 2005 to include Dual channel reception, 518 kHz and either 490 or 4209.5 kHz, simultaneously.


NT-1800 Navtex Receiver is a high–end model, fully compliant with IMO resolution MSC.148(77), IEC 61097–6 Ed.2
NT-1800 Navtex Receiver comes with a 5.6–inch color TFT LCD display backlit with white LED lamps for extra long life.
NT-1800 Navtex Receiver offers simultaneous reception of 518 & 490 kHz or 518& 4209.5 kHz.
Independent selection of stations and message types for display/storage and output to printer, INS port or I/O data port.
NT-1800 Navtex Receiver offers storage of: 200 messages (500 characters/message average) plus 50 protected messages.
Displays SAR messages in red, clearly distinguishing them from other message types.
Selectable background colors and text font sizes.
Single preamplified whip antenna with built–in passband filter for each frequency.
Interfaces with optional serial printer (PR–900) via printer port.



    Display 5.6″ TFT color LCD, LED-backlit, 20 lines/screen with 40 characters/line
    Frequencies 518, 490 and 4209.5 KHz
    Antenna 1.2m preamplified fiberglass whip
    External Interfaces INS (RS-422), printer (RS-232C) and 8-pin I/O data port
    Power Requirements 24 VDC (safely operates over 11-40V range), approx. 15W
    Environment -15 to 55゚C (cabinet/operating), -40 to 70゚C (antenna), 95% RH
    Vibration IEC 60945-2002
    Compass Safe Distance 80 cm (standard), 45 cm (steering)