







SOREMAR GROUP Opérateur National de Télécommunication par Satellite: Électronique Maritime - Activités Portuaires - Plaisance et Sécurité en Mer - Télécommunication par Satellite - Défense et sécurité - Géolocalisation - Visioconférence

SIMRAD RGC50 Gyrocompass

SIMRAD RGC50  Gy 4ef07f042cd3f

SIMRAD  RGC50 Gyrocompass

The small, compact ”all in one” RGC50 Gyrocompass is designed for smaller vessels and non-IMO applications.
The RGC50 is a compact gyrocompass, designed to enhance the navigation capabilities on small commercial, fishing vessels, and large pleasure yachts. A gyrocompass eliminates the inconvenience and limitations of magnetic compasses, and provides a variety of electrical outputs to supply accurate and consistent heading information to other navigation equipment. The capabilities and precision of the RGC50 will provide exceptional heading information to the navigation equipment installed on your vessel.